Always appreciate ppl around you, especially the one u love...
Arguing its not the key to solve the problem and also it wont let both of u get closer.
It will cause the opposite lost trust on u....
Everytime when theres a laughter, remember it and think bout it when u sleep.
Everytime when theres a laughter, remember it and think bout it when u sleep.
Don't be like me, always take things for granted....
Try to remember ur last kiss....
Try to remember ur last kiss....
for me, I don think i can remember, because i thouught there will be more...but now....I left nothing.
Being a couple, always give a take, try to understand what the opposite wants, and what they are expecting....
If you are a girl, u will have a high expectation from your bf....
but u need to understand him, he is doing everything he can to be the best he can.
everytime when u felt disappointed, take it as a possitive way, he just begin his 1st step.
and there are so many days or years are waiting infront of u.
For Boys, Mostly you guys wan a nice figure with pretty face girls....
For Boys, Mostly you guys wan a nice figure with pretty face girls....
But in reality, who cares whether its nice figure or pretty...
the important thing is their heart. Are they sincere to you?
Girls sometimes are petty or small gass...
it makes you guys very frusfrating right?
When u asked what did u done? they said that thing. but for u, that things sometimes can makes u laugh! becuase it just a small little things....
Man... I hope i got more time to undersatnd her....
u need to spend some time to understand girl=)
cheer up samboy ~
actually girls are easy to understand if u use ur real heart to understand them=)
cheeeerrrrr~ ^^
cheer up !
sis will support you all the way !
dont let this affect your studies.
u noe wat i mean. good luck =)
Wanqi. thanks for ur tips ler. treat u eat when im back! haha!
Babe ming. thanks!
Sue San. Thanks jie. i love you.
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