Now a days become very lazy to update my blog d...
Now a days become very lazy to update my blog d...
seems like no ppl view.
so, no update also nvm la..
My 2nd week holiday, not really fun.
staying at my another kuku place.
where is very far away from the city..
wanna meet up friends also hard..
plus keep raining this few days...
temperature drop to 5 and below...
My 1st day of 2nd week holiday,
when to da cousin house to celebrete birthday ler..
its SO RARE!.
3 generation having the same birthday...
They house is HUGE! 2.5 hecka....
they got huge garden,
huge house,
huge DOG too...
the dog stand up will taller than me.
and weight more than me!
and also we got BIG PORK!
Big DOG!
Bzz...Went to have japanses lunch with ma cousin.
its only lunch time and he odered some "english TEA"
that "tea" not bad. sweet.! hahha!
after finish lunch, we wanna go for movie, Get Smart.
Because its school holiday,
and the Q is F********* long.!
so we go the next day le...
not bad that movie...
wanna watch badman yesterday night,
but kena drag by ma kuku to shopping T.T
but ok le, she bought me a jumper! XD!
Alright, i think end here le..
nothing special.
u guys read d also felt abit gay...=m=
Have a good evening.